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A Christmas Reflection

Sunday, 28thDecember, 2008

Bible Reading: Luke 2:25-38

What do we do with a cracker?

Item 1.  We crack it. wake up. Wake up to Jesus being around. That is what was special about Simeon and Anna. They were in the Temple but when Jesus arrived, God gave them a wake up cracker. This is the messiah and they came to enjoy him being there. How do you go about enjoying Jesus being here? Do you talk to him? Do you listen to him? Do you do things that he would enjoy?

Item 2.  the party hat is a crown. But Jesus is the king! He invites you to be part of his family, a son or daughter of God, a royal title indeed!

Item 3. a joke! God is full of joy because he has made a way for you to be in a relationship with him. Think about that. God actually likes you!!! To hear you pray brings joy to his heart. To see you listening or reading his word makes him happy. To see you responding to his love sets the whole of heaven into party time, To see you working out that love in practise gives him great joy.

Item 4. A gift. Each one different to others. If yours is unsuitable for you, swap it with an adult who has something more suitable. God is the giver. Our presents are a reflection that he has given us his son. What else has he given? – His Holy Spirit. And through his Holy Spirit,  differing gifts for each one of us to build up the church and to make a difference in our community, if not the world at large. And those gifts are specially suited to you. You don’t have to swap them like we did, as God knows what is best for us now.

Pray that we will receive the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives.

Item 5. Two verses of scripture. First one which we all have. We have chosen it to set our thinking going for next year. Come next week and we will talk more about it. The second is a promise. ( A list of all the promises we used is CRACKER VERSES )Yours is different to others but you can share it. That way we all benefit and learn from each other. That is what church is about. Sharing our experience of God. Take it away, memorize it, think about it. Let it seep into your mind and change your thinking. So at Coffee time you can ask each other what your verse is. If can’t read it get someone else to read it to you.

Item 6. A chocolate sweet.  Jesus said “ I am the bread of life” “He that comes to me will not hunger” You should be getting the idea that Jesus is not about what you give up, which is shallow and fragile and short term and hollow but about the richness of what you gain. Forgiveness, peace, hope, joy, to find yourself loved, to know the presence of the Holy Spirit day by day and the certainty of an eternity with God in the future.

So our crackers this morning are a second reminder of what communion speaks of.

  1. Jesus says do this in remembrance of me – the wake-up call for Christians
  2. Jesus shares his cup with you a symbol of acceptance into the family of God
  3. Jesus so loved you he went to the cross for joy that he would win your salvation.
  4. Jesus death on the cross and resurrection triggered so many blessings for us. The Holy Spirit has been poured out on those who have put their faith and trust in him. He gives gifts to the church for each other to be built up and equipped for service.
  5. Communion is a fellowship meal. It is fellowship with God and fellowship with one another. The cross brings us together to share in the promises God has made.
  6. Jesus is the sustenance for life. Bread and wine are chosen as the staples of life to remind us of Jesus.
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